Channel : 4Mono+3Stereo
Channel EQ : 3Band
AUX : 1
Return : 1
Effects : 24DSP
Main Out  : 1 Stereo
Phantom Power : 48V DC



Channel : 4Mono+4Stereo
Channel EQ : 3Band
AUX : 2
Return : 1
Effects : 24DSP
Main Out  : 1 Stereo
Groups : 2
Phantom Power : 48V DC



Channel : 8Mono+4Stereo
Channel EQ : 3Band+Mid Sweep
AUX : 3
Return : 1
Effects : 24DSP
Main Out  : 1 Stereo
Groups : 4
Phantom Power : 48V DC


Innovative single-knob compressors allow you to adjust the compression values you need.
● Built-in digital multi-effect processor.
● Top-mounted input and output connection plug for easy installation and rebuild.
● High-performance microphone preamplifier with switchable phantom power.
● 3-channel equalization and high-pass filter.
● Smooth knobs and awnings.
● Auxiliary transmission with master transmit control for easy processing and monitoring.
● auxiliary and stereo bus return electronic control.
● Bright level meter for visual level monitoring.
Can be equipped with rack type.